The Bayfield County Courthouse is open to the public.
It is recommended that face coverings and social distancing protocols be followed
Extension Bayfield County Is Still Here For You!
Some of our Extension staff is working part-time in their offices as well as working remotely.
This means that there maybe times when the office will not be staffed.
The Extension Bayfield County staff are checking & responding to their phone messages and emails.
Please leave them a message. Contact information is listed below.
Our Educators are also working on ways to bring programming to you in new and different ways!
We want to reach out to each of you to offer support and resources in this uncertain time. While circumstances are changing frequently, what remains stable is our commitment to offer you the research and resources of the UW-Madison Division of Extension.
We will be posting resources here as well as on our Facebook Page, Twitter, and Instagram accounts. . Please like and share as much as you feel appropriate
Here are some resources you may find useful.
University of Wisconsin – Madison ~ – Covid Questions
University of Wisconsin-Madison Division of Extension Responds to COVID-19
If you are having an emergency, call 911
Helplines, Hotlines, & Virtual Support Meetings
WI DHS Resilient Wisconsin
Bayfield County Health Department
COVID-19 For non-emergency Coronavirus (COVID-19) questions, you can call our COVID-19 Information Line at (715) 373-3324 OR email us
Bayfield County Health Department – Local Updates
Bayfield County COVID-19 Response Hub -This page provides information, maps and resources about the coronavirus response in our local area.
Ashland/Bayfield Community Resource Guide
Financial Resources
American Rescue Plan Debt Payments FAQ The American Rescue Plan includes provisions for USDA to pay up to 120% of loan balances, as of January 1, 2021, for Farm Service Agency (FSA) Direct and Guaranteed Farm Loans and Farm Storage Facility Loans (FSFL) debt relief to any socially disadvantaged producer who has a qualifying loan with FSA. Check out the most Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) page.
The COVID-19 Financial Resources from UW-Madison Division of Extension offers links to many government sites and other resources where you can turn for more information on topics like applying for public assistance, low-interest small business loans, and more. Check back as this page will continue to be updated frequently.
FTC Warnings As we’ve seen with other disasters that have taken place, scammers are taking advantage of people’s vulnerability. Learn more here
Small Business Financial Resources
Small Business Finances
We are doing our best to keep up with the ever changing assistance plans that are being created to assist the small business owner.
April-25-Economic-Injury-Disaster-Loans (pdf, 2 pages,94KB) (EIDL) now open to agricultural enterprises.
Wisconsin Economic Development Association (WEDA) announces targeted grants to Wisconsin-based Community Development Financial Institutions (CDFIs) for small businesses suffering losses due to COVID-19 emergency
Small Business Administration (SBA) Small business owners in all U.S. states and territories are currently eligible to apply for a low-interest loan due to Coronavirus (COVID-19).
Many parents are quickly trying to secure care or assess if their children are ready to be home alone. Please share this online (free) program that Extension has developed. Home Alone Online.
Families are figuring out how to live, learn and work—together and separately—all under one roof. Check out some great advice at Education on the Home Front: How to Keep Young Children Learning in the Early Days of COVID-19 .
COVID-19 Child Care Resources – The Department of Children and Families (DCF) has compiled resources to help essential workers, providers, and families navigate the child care landscape during the COVID-19 crisis.
Co-Parenting for Divorcing or Separating Parents
Spring Gardening 2020 Virtual Workshop Series – Pdfs of all workshops can be found on our Horticulture page.
4/23 – Fruit Tree Grafting ![]() |
4/30 – Gardening In Clay Soils ![]() |
05/07 – Growing (and Preserving) Awesome Tomatoes ![]() |
05/14 – Managing Your Young Fruit Trees – Pruning and Training ![]() |
Vegetable Varieties for Containers, Sunflower Garden and Container Herb Garden information can all be found on our Horticulture page.
Farm Related Resources
American Rescue Plan Debt Payments FAQ The American Rescue Plan includes provisions for USDA to pay up to 120% of loan balances, as of January 1, 2021, for Farm Service Agency (FSA) Direct and Guaranteed Farm Loans and Farm Storage Facility Loans (FSFL) debt relief to any socially disadvantaged producer who has a qualifying loan with FSA. Check out the most Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) page.
April-25-PPP_update (pdf,3 pages,105kb) The Paycheck Protection Program and Health Care Enhancement Act provides additional funds for small businesses starting April 27th.
April-25-Economic-Injury-Disaster-Loans (EIDL) (pdf, 2 pages, 94KB) now open to agricultural enterprises.
Farmers have unique challenges with the rapidly spreading COVID-19. Make sure your employees understand that your primary concern is their health and the health of their families, and measures are in place to ensure long and productive careers at your farm. Guidance for farm employers COVID – 19 (pdf, 1pg,212KB)
Farm Produce Safety Plan Workshop
The Wisconsin Farm Center provides information and support to farmers and their families in order to help grow Wisconsin’s agricultural economy. The Center partners with industry groups, government and educational entities, and other stakeholders in the agriculture sector. Farmers and small agribusiness owners can reach the Farm Center through the toll-free line at 1-800-942-2474. You can also contact the Farm Center by email at
Stress/Well Being
This new series “Taking Care Of You” will help you to explore ways to take better care of yourself and manage stress. These eight-class 45-minute Zoom programs will be held over 4-weeks, on Wednesdays & Fridays from 12:15 pm to 1:00 pm. Feb 3rd & 5th, 10th &12th, 17th &19th, 24th & 26th.Space is limited – Pre-registration is Required! Register Here:
Questions? Contact Tracy Henegar. Computer/Tablet/Smart Phone with audio/video capabilities is REQUIRED!
This time of social isolation can be incredibly difficult for us and those we love. This Tip Sheet on Self-Care describes what to expect and ways to mitigate the stress. It also reminds us to take time to be outside each day, connect with loved ones, practice gratitude and get some exercise. Yoga, breathing and meditation (even one big deep breath) can decrease your body’s response to stress.
Maintaining Social connections during Social Distancing is important to our health. Here are a few tips on maintaining Human Connections (pdf,1pg, 435KB)
“The WISE Wisconsin Winter Series” is presented by the UW-Madison Division Extension’s Life Span program. Connect with other from around the State as you learn how to increase joy and satisfaction in your life during these cold, snowy winter months. Meets Wednesdays at 9:00 am on Zoom from February 3rd through March 10th, 2021. Register for one or all of the six sessions you wish to attend.
Food Resources
FEAST By The Bay website provides information on local food access Information on where to find local produce, which businesses remain open, or how to access community food resources.
Food Resources to Help Get Through COVID-19 – Extension Responds to COVID-19 (Coronavirus)– Wisconsin 211 connects you with nonprofit and government services in your area. You can use the 211 website to look for services in your area, or you can call 211 (or 877-947-2211) at any time.
FoodWIse Friday Recipes – FoodWIse Coordinator, Stephanie Bakker (Ashland, Bayfield, & Iron Counties) and educators, Deborah Leonard (Iron County) and Sarah Tarkington (Ashland and Bayfield County) would like to share some weekly, healthy recipes that are pantry and budget friendly!
Check out the FoodWIse Recipes and more on our new page FoodWIse Newsletters & Information
Food Safety – The coronavirus that causes COVID-19 is a respiratory virus. While the Centers for Disease Control does not consider COVID-19 to be a foodborne illness, there are actions that you can take to prevent foodborne illness that appear effective in fighting the coronavirus.
We are here with you, reach out if you need us.
Contact Information
4-H & Youth Development: 715-373-3289 & 715-373-3287
Community Development: kellie.pederson@wisc.edu715-373-3290
Human Development & Relationships: 715-395-1426
Financial Security: Mary Johnson at ~ 715-373-3294
Justice Involved Families Outreach Specialist: 715-373-3288
Thank you for your patience as we work through this situation and find new methods to bring our programming to you!
Office Intermittently Staffed(PDF,1 pg.545KB)