Home » Agriculture 2-25
Agriculture 2-25
The UW-Madison Division of Extension Agriculture Institute addresses emerging issues related to Wisconsin’s agriculture and horticulture systems with research-based outreach to advance economically sustainable, socially responsible, and environmentally sound practices.

Ask an Agriculture Question- Looking for an expert to advise you on your agriculture questions? Please fill out the form on the linked page ( and attach relevant photographs concerning your agriculture issues. Your inquiry will be responded to by an Extension staff
All PAT materials must be ordered and purchased through the WI PAT Online Store
To make an appointment to take your PAT Private Applicator test contact Theresa at 715-373-3285 or by Email.
Helping Diversify Wisconsin’s Agricultural Landscape. Across the nation, young farmers and ranchers report that farmland access remains their number one challenge
Land is an increasingly rare and valuable resource for farmers, across the nation.
What’s in your soil? or Manure? or Forage? Don’t guess, get a test done. The website has instructions on taking samples, sending your sample off and the fees for each item.
UW–Madison Division of Extension’s Maple Syrup Program is a grant-funded project supported by the USDA Agricultural Marketing Service (AMS) through the Acer Access and Development Program.
Learn the most up-to-date information on topics including dairy and livestock production, forages, and farm management resources from Extension’s Agriculture virtual education offerings.
The Farmer to Farmer Hay, Forage and Corn List puts Wisconsin farmers in touch with one another for the purpose of buying and/or selling corn and forage.
Discovery Farms® is a farmer-led research and outreach program within UW-Madison Division of Extension
A collaborative effort between farmers and University Extension specialists from across the U.S. Midwest and Mid-South.
Agriculture Links of Interest

Northern WI is currently seeing an influx of bristly, hairy caterpillars. What are they and what can you do?
1st Annual Wisconsin Hazelnut Week
1st Annual Wisconsin Hazelnut Week – August 15-20, 2022 – Learn. Discover. Get Started.
UW-Madison, Division of Extension, is hosting the 1st Annual Wisconsin Hazelnut Week to feature all that is happening with hazelnuts in Wisconsin. “Things are starting to move quickly with this emerging new crop here in Wisconsin,” says Jason Fischbach, the UW-Extension Emerging Crops Specialist, “So we wanted to provide opportunities for existing and aspiring growers to see what’s happening and decide whether hazelnuts is something they want to pursue”. Hazelnut Week includes an introductory webinar on Monday the 15th and then four field days. The events are free and open to the public, but registration is required. For all the information and to register go to: https://www.midwesthazelnuts.org/hazelnutweek22.html.
Schedule of Events
Aug 15 (6-7PM) – Hazelnut 101 Webinar via Zoom
Aug 18 (3-5PM) – American Hazelnut Company Field Day, M&S Enterprises, La Crosse, WI
Aug 19 (1-4PM) – Central WI Hazelnut Field Day, Sandbox Farm, Amherst, WI
Aug 20 (8AM-Noon) – Northern Wisconsin Hazelnut Field Day, Bayfield Go-First Farm/Blue Ox Cidery/Superior View Farm, Bayfield, WI
Aug 20 (9AM-3PM) – Southern Wisconsin Hazelnut Field Day, Savanna Institute North Farm/Blue Mounds Hazelnut, Spring Green and Barneveld, WI

Northern WI Hazelnut Field Day
Saturday, August 20, 8 am – Noon
8-9 am Bayfield Go-First Farm-28850 Eileen Town Hall Rd, Ashland
10-11 am Blue Ox Cidery – 87380 Betzold Rd, Bayfield
11-Noon Hauser’s superior View Farm – 86565 County Highway J, Bayfield

Jason Fischbach
Emerging Crops Specialist
Bayfield County-
County Administration Bldg
117 E. 5th Street
Washburn, WI 54891-9464
Phone: 715-373-3291
Fax: 715-373-6304
Email: jason.fischbach@wisc.edu
711 for Wisconsin Relay (TDD)