Women Farmers Juggling it All – Rural Resiliency Circle
Women Juggling it All! July 8th & August 1st
Women Juggling it All! July 8th & August 1st
Upcoming Ag Webinars.
This report showcases some of the accomplishments of our office in 2019. The partnerships between Bayfield County and the University of Wisconsin Division of Extension allows resources and information to be delivered to our residents and have an impact on our communities. If you know of an informational or educational need in your community, organization, business or family, please let us be a resource to help address it by contacting our office. We look forward to serving you in the future.
Direct Marketing of Meat & Poultry – How Farmers Can Safely & Easily Sell Directly to Consumers – THURSDAY JUNE 4, 2020 @ 12:30 PM via Zoom.
Time to renew? or To be certified for as a private pesticide applicator? Now is your chance to take this class being offered by the University of Wisconsin – Madison, Division of Extension Bayfield County.
NW Wisconsin Hazelnut Grower Cluster Informational Meetings
Thursday, January 23, 2020 ~ 6:00 – 7:30 PM ~ Northern Great Lakes Visitor Center
Wednesday, January 29, 2020 ~ 6:00 – 7:30 PM ~ Spooner Agricultural Research Station
This report showcases some of the accomplishments of our educators in 2018. The partnerships between Bayfield County and the University of Wisconsin Division of Extension allows resources and information to be delivered to our residents and have an impact on our communities. If you know of an informational or educational need in your community, organization, business or family, please let us be a resource to help address it by contacting our office. We look forward to serving you in the future.
Learn the basics of planting, growing and processing hazelnuts as SFA Lake Superior Chapter hosts a field day from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Saturday., August 24, 2019 in Bayfield, Wisconsin.
The day begins at 10 a.m. at Seven Ponds Winery, 87380 Betzold Road, Bayfield, Wisconsin, where Jason Fischbach, University Wisconsin-Madison, Division of Extension agent and hazelnut expert, will lead a tour of the winery’s plantings and discuss techniques for establishment and maintenance of commercial hazelnuts.
The group will caravan to Northland College at noon for lunch. . . Cost is $15 for SFA members and $20 for nonmembers. Lunch included.
Fall is the time to plant your garlic! Get that garlic in before the ground freezes! Can I plant the garlic cloves that I get from the grocery store?
The occupational death rate on farms is nearly 800 percent greater than in all other industries combined. The leading cause of farm deaths is tractor rollovers. It’s Never Too Late to Add Rollover Protection to Your Tractors. To address this issue, and encourage and incentivize ag producers to add this important safety device, a variety of public and private organizations have come together to provide significant rebates to assist with the costs of installing a ROPS on unprotected tractors.