Farm Ready Research Webinars – Many new Webinars each month
1st Annual Wisconsin Hazelnut Week-2022
1st Annual Wisconsin Hazelnut Week – August 15-20, 2022 – Learn. Discover. Get Started.
UW-Madison, Division of Extension, is hosting the 1st Annual Wisconsin Hazelnut Week to feature all that is happening with hazelnuts in Wisconsin. “Things are starting to move quickly with this emerging new crop here in Wisconsin,” says Jason Fischbach, the UW-Extension Emerging Crops Specialist, “So we wanted to provide opportunities for existing and aspiring growers to see what’s happening and decide whether hazelnuts is something they want to pursue”. Hazelnut Week includes an introductory webinar on Monday the 15th and then four field days. The events are free and open to the public, but registration is required. For all the information and to register go to: https://www.midwesthazelnuts.org/hazelnutweek22.html.
Schedule of Events
Aug 15 (6-7PM) – Hazelnut 101 Webinar via Zoom
Aug 18 (3-5PM) – American Hazelnut Company Field Day, M&S Enterprises, La Crosse, WI
Aug 19 (1-4PM) – Central WI Hazelnut Field Day, Sandbox Farm, Amherst, WI
Aug 20 (8AM-Noon) – Northern Wisconsin Hazelnut Field Day, Bayfield Go-First Farm/Blue Ox Cidery/Superior View Farm, Bayfield, WI
Aug 20 (9AM-3PM) – Southern Wisconsin Hazelnut Field Day, Savanna Institute North Farm/Blue Mounds Hazelnut, Spring Green and Barneveld, WI

Northern WI Hazelnut Field Day
Saturday, August 20, 8 am – Noon
8-9 am Bayfield Go-First Farm-28850 Eileen Town Hall Rd, Ashland
10-11 am Blue Ox Cidery – 87380 Betzold Rd, Bayfield
11-Noon Hauser’s superior View Farm – 86565 County Highway J, Bayfield
Rural Resiliency Project
Women Juggling it ALL – July 8 & August 1, 2022
Does it feel like you are on duty 24/7/365? You are the mistress of multi-tasking! Spinning plates, juggling balls you do it all. The
The circle will be an ongoing group that will allow women juggling it all to have a safe space to share ideas, challenges, and successes. Each group meeting will have a brief education component on a topic related to women juggling it all followed by a discussion. The Circle will include Monica McConkey moderating the discussion, offering tips for managing everything, stress reduction and more. Monica will be joined by women farmers with lived experience who will offer some practical insights. We will also share other resources that can help those who are juggling it all.
Registration is limited for each session. Participants may come to one session, come every month or join the circle as needed across time. Each session will last one and a half hours. Participants do not need to attend the entire session. This is a special non-anonymous session We will be using Zoom and participants can choose how to participate – they may have their cameras on, they may unmute and verbalize questions or comments; they may type in questions or comments or they may just sit in and listen. There is a possibility for people to see participants’ names and/or images. The session will not be recorded.
Please register for FREE 24/7/365 – Women Juggling it all Resiliency Circle *non-anonymous circles*
Human Side of Farm Transitions – July 14th and August 5th, 2022
Join us for the Farm Transition Resiliency Circle
Are the people in your life making your transition challenging? Try our FREE Farm Transition Resiliency Circle to help you rise to the challenge.
The Circle will be an ongoing group that will allow those experiencing or preparing for a farm transition to have a safe space to share ideas, challenges, and successes. One particular focus will be on the human side of transitions. Each group meeting will have a brief education component on a topic related to farm transition followed by discussion. The Circle will include Monica McConkey moderating the discussion, and farmers who have experienced farm transitions who will offer some practical insights. We will also let you know about available transition resources.
Registration is limited for each session. Participants may come to one session, come every month or join the circle as needed across time. Each session will last one and a half hours. Participants do not need to attend the entire session. Circle participants are anonymous and they choose how to participate – they can just listen; they can type in questions or comments or they may unmute and verbalize questions or comments. The session will not be recorded. Participants cannot see each other nor do they see each’s names.
The Rural Resiliency Project uses an online platform where session participants remain anonymous as they participate in the
session. Participants cannot see each other and cannot view each other’s names. Nor are participant images or names recorded during the session.