2021 Clean Sweeps: Safely Dispose of Hazardous Waste
June 22, 2021 Bayfield County ~ June 23, 2021 Ashland County
June 22, 2021 Bayfield County ~ June 23, 2021 Ashland County
This report showcases some of the accomplishments of our office in 2019. The partnerships between Bayfield County and the University of Wisconsin Division of Extension allows resources and information to be delivered to our residents and have an impact on our communities. If you know of an informational or educational need in your community, organization, business or family, please let us be a resource to help address it by contacting our office. We look forward to serving you in the future.
HAZARDOUS WASTE DISPOSAL. CLEAN SWEEP ~ Residents may participate in any event, regardless of county of residence.
Bayfield County, Aug 11th, Ashland County Aug 12th, Price County Sept 29, Sawyer County Sept 30.
This report showcases some of the accomplishments of our educators in 2018. The partnerships between Bayfield County and the University of Wisconsin Division of Extension allows resources and information to be delivered to our residents and have an impact on our communities. If you know of an informational or educational need in your community, organization, business or family, please let us be a resource to help address it by contacting our office. We look forward to serving you in the future.
Interested in serving your community, growing an organization, revitalizing your business and perhaps changing the world? The Ashland & Bayfield Counties Leadership Program is designed to enhance your
This report showcases some of the accomplishments of our County UW-Extension Educators during this past year. Take a moment to look through this report to discover the broad range of programs that were conducted and how they have made a positive impact on peoples’ lives. Through a partnership between Bayfield County and the University of […]
The August 5 Lake Superior Business and Technology Conference focused on learning how communities are growing technology jobs for the 21st Century. Keynote speaker Ray Cross, Chancellor of the University of Wisconsin Colleges/Extension, discussed how the University of Wisconsin is an important partner for growing technology-based jobs, representatives of three Wisconsin business technology parks discussed how they developed […]
The April 12, 2011 Critical Issues in Forest Management and Utilization Conference focused on crucial issues that affect our northwest Wisconsin forests from how they are managed to how they are used for multiple purposes. Below you will find links to the conference agenda and the PowerPoint presentations given by conference speakers. Presentations are available in both a PowerPoint and PDF […]