Aging and Caregiving

Join Us for the FREE Aging Mastery Program
Participate In-Person on Wednesdays, Feb 5-March 26, 2025 at the Northern Great Lakes Visitor Center,

elderly trio bike riding-beagle in basket on back of a bike

The Living Well in Our Best Years Newsletter is a collaboration between the Aging and Disability Resource Center (ADRC) of the North and the University of Wisconsin – Madison, Division of Extension, Bayfield County. We’re committed to providing information and resources to older adults, caregivers and family members to assist them in growing and aging with grace, dignity and respect.

Planning AHEAD

Planning AHEAD is an end-of-life planning curriculum for all ages developed by UW–Madison Division of Extension faculty and staff. This 7-session research-based program will help participants understand how to prepare for the end of life for themselves or a loved one, and why it’s important to have a plan in place.

two elderly women on a bench

Life Span Programs help individuals, families and communities transition through the aging process by providing programming, resources and support on topics such as, family caregiving, healthy aging and creating aging-friendly communities.

Extension Bayfield County || Courthouse, PO Box 218 || Washburn, WI  54891

711 for Wisconsin Relay (TDD)

Tracy Henegar, Educator || 715- 395-1399 ||Email 
Heidi Ungrodt, Educator|| 715- 373-3288|| Email

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