Ag Webinars
Upcoming Ag Webinars.
Upcoming Ag Webinars.
Fall is the time to plant your garlic! Get that garlic in before the ground freezes! Can I plant the garlic cloves that I get from the grocery store?
The occupational death rate on farms is nearly 800 percent greater than in all other industries combined. The leading cause of farm deaths is tractor rollovers. It’s Never Too Late to Add Rollover Protection to Your Tractors. To address this issue, and encourage and incentivize ag producers to add this important safety device, a variety of public and private organizations have come together to provide significant rebates to assist with the costs of installing a ROPS on unprotected tractors.
Occasionally homeowners in the Lake Superior Counties of Wisconsin have been reporting egg masses on the sides of buildings or under the eaves. These yellow to orange-colored egg masses are being deposited by variegated cutworm moths, primarily at night. Cutworms are a large group of lepidopteran insects that include the more common black cutworm. […]