Bayfield County Fair Foods Revue

Members in the Foods and Nutrition and/or Clothing projects, are invited to be a part of these fun and educational events. The Gitche Gumee Club will be our hosts at the Workshop in Oulu this year on Saturday, May 19th. The Foods Revue will be held in the morning, with The Clothing Revue in the afternoon. Both are judged Fair events with premiums. Registration for the events is separate.

2015 Extension Highlights Annual Report

  This report showcases some of the accomplishments of our County UW-Extension Educators during this past year.  Take a moment to look through this report to discover the broad range of programs that were conducted and how they have made a positive impact on peoples’ lives.  Through a partnership between Bayfield County and the University of […]

Applications being accepted for Bayfield County Teen Court

The Bayfield County Teen Court is comprised of high school students from five high schools in Bayfield County. Court panelists gain first-hand experience of the judicial system through a dynamic service learning experience that benefits both themselves and the community. It has also proven to increase the member’s communication and leadership skills in a judicial setting. the legal system.

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