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Previous year’s info (2024):
Bayfield County 4-H Members: $100
All other youth: $125
Scholarships for families with financial need may be available. Please contact Ian Meeker at 715-373-3289 or Ian.Meeker@wisc.edu for details.
Camp Details
Each summer, Bayfield County’s Youth Development office holds a fun and affordable 3 day youth summer camp experience for area youth.
Camp is in a beautiful wooded area, has nice facilities, a great lake for swimming and boating, a group campfire area and all of the regular amenities.
The camp program includes swimming, arts and crafts, canoeing and kayaking, campfires and singing, nature education, skits, and large and small group games.
Campers will be supervised by trained high school age counselors, 4-H Youth Development staff from Bayfield County, and 4-H certified adult volunteers.
As a program of University of Wisconsin-Madison Division of Extension, the Bayfield County 4-H Camp provides a supportive and welcoming environment to all. Camp will provide you with the opportunity to meet and learn with 4-H members and friends from across the county.
In accordance with Federal law and U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) civil rights regulations and policies, the University of Wisconsin-Madison Division of Extension is prohibited from discriminating on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, gender identity (including gender expression), sexual orientation, age, disability, religious creed, political beliefs, or reprisal or retaliation for prior civil rights activity.
Wisconsin 4-H members and participants will be assigned to rooms based on their gender indicated on their registration form. For more information regarding UW-Madison’s compliance with Title IX, please visit our Wisconsin 4-H Policy Website at Affirmative Action and Civil Rights – Wisconsin 4-H. Prior to the start of a program, families may request a full refund if the processes designed to comply with the laws, regulations, and policies under which UW-Madison operates does not align with their individual needs. Questions about compliance with federal laws regarding discrimination, including Title IX, should be sent to UW-Madison’s Office of Compliance at uwcomplianceoffice@wisc.edu.

- Open to all area youth Grades 3-8 (current grade)
- $100 reduced rate for Bayfield County 4-H club members
- Cost is $125 for all other area youth
- Registration will open early May and will run to June 15th or until cabins are full
- Camp begins at 1pm on Saturday, June 29th and ends at 11am on Monday, July 1st
- Campers will be split into cabins of 4-6 youth of similar age and gender with 2 counselors
Camp Counselor Applications
We cannot make camp happen without a great group of volunteer teen counselors! Being a camp counselor is a fun, educational, confidence building, and rewarding experience. This is a great experience to put on a college or job resume.

Training Dates:
- Wednesday June 19th 10-3pm at the Washburn Courthouse (Date may change depending on counselor date conflicts.)
- Friday June 28th 2-7:30pm at Camp Crosswoods
- You will spend the night at Camp Crosswoods June 28th. Campers will begin arriving at 1pm on Saturday, June 29th
- Camp goes from 1pm June 29th to 11am July 1st. You are expected to be on the premises this entire time.
- Please plan to stay for a debriefing counselor meeting after the campers have gone home. Pizza party included!
How to apply:
- Please submit counselor applications by April 19th.
- All area youth in Grades 9-13 are welcome to apply. Those that have been counselors in previous years, or who have attended camp previously are preferred. However, complete training will be provided. Even if you have never been to camp before you may still apply.
- Fill out & submit the Returning Camp Counselor Application or the First Year Camp Counselor Application
- First year counselors only: Have a non-related adult fill out and submit a Reference Form on your behalf
What to expect:
Counselors will be paired up and the two of you will be in charge of one cabin of 4-6 youth. Cabins are organized by age groups, so some counselors will be working mostly with younger 3rd graders, and some counselors might be working with older youth up to 8th grade.
We will provide plenty of training and resources to get you ready for camp. There is one full day of training prior to camp which includes a lunch. You will also arrive at camp a day early and will spend the day training and getting ready with your fellow counselors.
During camp you are not only providing supervision, but you will also lead songs and games and work to provide a positive experience for our campers.
Adult staff will be available to support you at all times.