Tuesday, April 17, 2018 ~ 8:30 am
EOC Room ~ Bayfield County Courthouse Annex Building
Washburn, WI 54891
The University of Wisconsin (UW) Pesticide Applicator Training (PAT) Program provides training materials required to become a certified applicator in the state of Wisconsin. We also provide supplementary training materials and live training/review sessions in the winter months. The UW PAT Program does not advocate the use of pesticides as a tool, but simply provides the required training to become certified if the use of pesticides is warranted. The UW PAT Program works with the Wisconsin Department of Agriculture, Trade & Consumer Protection (DATCP) in the pesticide certification process. DATCP regulates and enforces pesticide laws in Wisconsin. DATCP also writes and administers the exams. To become certified you must purchase the appropriate training materials and present a Training Registration Certificate to DATCP at time of testing.
2018 Pesticide Applicator Training Brochure (pdf, 2 pages, 259 KB)
Registrations are due by March 30. 2018 You may Register and Pay Online
For more information contact:
Matt Cogger
Horticulture Agent
Bayfield County – UW Extension
County Administration Bldg
117 E. 5th Street
Washburn, WI 54891-9464
Phone: 715-373-6104, Ext. 246
Fax: 715-373-6304
Email: mcogger@bayfieldcounty.org
711 for Wisconsin Relay (TDD)
An EEO/AA employer, University of Wisconsin Extension provides equal opportunities in employment and programming, including Title IX and ADA requirements. Please make requests for reasonable accommodations to ensure equal access to educational programs as early as possible preceding the scheduled program, service or activity.