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Club Corner
Check it out! See what our Bayfield County 4-H Clubs have been up to!
Friendly Valley
Friendly Valley 4-H Happenings- Written by Brooklyn Benson
March 2023- July 2023
The Friendly Valley 4-H club had been busy and active. This spring was very service driven for our club. Several of our members led service projects for March and April. We had a winter service project scheduled in Feb. with the Northern Lights carecenter. Weather caused us to have to reschedule and eventually cancel this project, but we hope to revisit this project on our calendar this coming year. In March Brooklyn Benson organized a service project for the Bayfield county plow drivers. We came together as a club with donations of snacks, drinks, and cards of appreciation and thanks to help them push through the last of a very long winter. We were able to put together one large basket for each of the 10 shops around the county. The county workers were so thankful for the recognition that they pooled money together to treat our club to a pizza party. Our club decided together to use the money to pay it forward to the next service project that we did in April. In April Emmy Rouch organized a project to help our local cat rescue in Washburn. We gathered to help clean litter, bedding, food dishes and cat habitats. We had a good turn out and got a lot done. We were able to donate $50.00 to the rescue in the form of food and litter supplies. In May we wrapped up our service projects with our annual roadside clean up. It was refreshing to notice this year that there seemed to be less garbage along the roads near Maki road and Washington Ave. We gathered afterwards for a meeting and meal.

Our other activities included good participation in the cultural arts fair, and food’s review. We had a number of members who received awards for their performances. Space camp was of great interest for several members of our club and we were able to have 3 kids go to Alabama in April. They had a great time and had a lot to share. In June, 2 of our members represented our club in Madison for the career exploration camp Summer Academy. It was a valuable experience intertwined with fun, service and learning. 4-H camp was also well attended with campers and helpers. I believe one of our older members also attended the American Spirit trip. I haven’t heard about how this trip went, but I am sure as with all of the great opportunities our 4-H program offers that it was amazing. Our club is extremely thankful for all the work and time and money that goes into making these experiences available to us. Our club is looking forward to sharing our experiences and offering thanks for the opportunities at the annual awards banquet. We hope to see you there. It will be a good time for younger members and parents to find out how they can participate in these things in the future. All are welcome to attend the awards banquet, you do not need to be an award recipient to attend. It is a really great time to celebrate and learn about growing in your 4-H journey. ( Keep your eyes peeled for date and times)
The Fair is up next. We are all excited to show and exhibit our projects and attend the various activities the fair has to offer. We got together in June to get our fair booth ideas nailed down and had a work day to prepare. Soon we will gather to work the food booth, assemble our club booth and register our projects. What a great way to end a very active and service filled Friendly Valley 4-H club year. SEE YOU AT THE FAIR!
Friendly Valley
Friendly Valley 4-H Club Winter Report- Written by Juicy Martinez
In January Friendly Valley 4-H met at the Washburn public library for a business meeting.
Afterward Ginamarie Anderson from Harbor House Sweet Shop came to demonstrate cupcake
decorating, which the club largely enjoyed.
For January’s activity the Markin family planned a trip to World Of Wheels and Amnicon Falls State Park, which the club also enjoyed .
At February’s business meeting President Eric Maki gave a very informative demonstration on reading nutrition labels. After that, we had a few middle school members lead some games: “How’s Yours?” And “Musical Chairs”. This was a big hit with the club, and will probably continue.
February’s activity was planned by Vice President Brooklyn Benson and consisted of ice skating
and hot chocolate in Washburn.
At March’s business meeting the club met and everyone gave a demonstration, then we put together snack baskets for our country plow drivers. This thoughtful service project was planned by VP Brooklyn Benson with every family donating snack items.
Ino Valley
The Chequamegon Humane Association (CHA) is a non-profit organization dedicated to improving the quality of life for homeless pets in the Chequamegon Bay area. They work to ensure animals are treated with compassion and respect while providing shelter, attention, and physical care that they need to lead healthy and happy lives until staff can place them in permanent homes.
Animal shelters like the CHA often are in need of volunteers to help clean, feed and socialize the animals. In March, children from the Ino Valley 4-H club had an opportunity to volunteer at the CHA. Together, the children collected donations that allowed them to deliver much needed supplies to the shelter and to sponsor the care of one of the long-term animal residents.
During the visit staff introduced the kids to the different animals that are being cared for before putting the volunteers to work folding laundry, sweeping floors, mopping, and helping with some organization tasks. Afterwards, the volunteers were able to socialize and play with the cats and a dog named Spike. One lucky family was even introduced to a kitten that won their hearts and joined their family.

Ino Valley
The Ino Valley Club decorated cookies that will be put in the valentine baskets to be delivered to neighbors, friends and families that need a little cheering up. The baskets are filled with goodies provided by the White River homemakers , and the frosted cookies from Ino valley 4-H .The frosting party was fun, and the kids enjoyed making designs and different colors!

Ino Valley leader Glory Bizub has also been working on ceramics projects with a group of members. First year 4-H member Blaine Henri has been taking part in these ceramics classes and she is really enjoying learning about this new project!

The CANSKI season is in full swing! We have 120 youth from Bayfield & Ashland county taking part this year with weekly instruction.
Congratulations to the nine racers at the Wisconsin Nordic Ski League Northern Conference. Everyone stepped it up tackling some fast skiers and skiing on a World Cup level race course. Conditions were quick and the trail was firm.

The coolest part was the team experience. We had enough Girls and Boys to score a team results Girls 6/6 and Boys 4/6.
Full results here:
That was a lot of fun!

Gitche Gumee
During December the Gitche Gumee 4-H club made Christmas cards for nursing homes in the area. The nursing homes really enjoyed the cards, so the group decided to make Valentines cards for the nursing homes this year also. There will be sledding at the Northern Pines Golf Course on the 26th of February, from 1-4pm. At the sledding there will be hot cocoa and treats. Mojakka supper is right around the corner on March 12, 2023. Serving time is 12pm to 2pm at the Oulu workshop. Come and enjoy some delicious Mojakka soup and rice pudding! This is one of our main fund raisers for our club.To the seniors of 4-H there will be scholarship and club scholarships applications going out in the mail. Bayfield county fair will be August 10th to 13th 2023. Our next meeting will be March 1st at 7pm.
We invite all clubs and families to join us for our Mojakka. You can also pick up to go.
- March 12th, 2023
- 5 and under – free
- Kids 6-12 – $4
- Adults – $5
- Family of 4 – $15 ($2 for each additional child)
Submitted by Reporter – Paige Tuura
Friendly Valley
For November and December of 2022 the Friendly Valley 4-H club had several meetings and activities.
In November, on Nov. 7 we had a meeting where we held officer elections. The new president is Eric Maki, the vice president is Brook Benson, the treasurer is Nathan Saari, the two secondary’s are Adelyn and Aubree Markin. The last thing we did was make birthday cards for the local meals on wheels.
Also in November the club collected donations for the annual thanksgiving project to help families in need. We used the donations to shop for thanksgiving meals at the Washburn IGA.

In December we had a holiday party. We played lots of games and had dinner as a club. We had extra donations from the Thanksgiving project we went shopping for meals for families in need from the Washburn School District.

At the end of the month the new club officers had a meeting to talk about the up coming year. – Submitted by Aubree Markin
Ino Valley
In October, the Pope family, along with General Leader Glory Bizub spent some time tabling at Tractor Supply during the 4-H Paper Clover campaign. This turned out to be a successful fundraiser for 4-H and the group was able to chat with many people that had fond memories of being in 4-H when they were kids.

If your club would be interested in tabling at the Tractor Supply next spring or fall, please keep it in mind! This is a good opportunity to promote 4-H and raise funds to support Wisconsin 4-H. We have a large 4-H tri-fold, brochures, and other materials that you are welcome to borrow.
Friendly Valley
In September, we went to Big Top Chautauqua. We saw Lil’ Mike & Funny Bone. They are brothers from Oklahoma and the Pawnee Nation. They rap, do stand up comedy, and send positive message to kids.

We were able to talk with Lil’ Mike & Funny Bone after their show and had a club picture taken with them. Also, after the performance, we toured behind the scenes at Big Top with the Executive Director. We saw behind the stage! Laughing Fox talked with us about wigwams. He told us how they were made and talked about Native foods. Another performer talked with us about 4-H and wanted to know what our club did. After our time at Big Top, the club went to Bayfield to get ice cream cones.
Our September meeting was short and held by Zoom. The officers and club leaders talked about activity options for next year.
In October, we will have a Welcome Day for new members. We plan to do apple activities and games. In November, we will have officer elections. We also know that for this upcoming year, our club will have demonstration speeches, create a club fair booth, and continue with our aluminum can fund raiser. The rest will be decided on by club vote.
-By Erik Maki
Great Divide
The Great Divide 4-H Club had a wonderful time at the Bayfield County Fair! Our members did very well, with many of them receiving first place awards. Lilly Plum was awarded the Best of Show in natural sciences. Riley Gibbs had Judge’s Favorite Award and can exhibit his piece at the 2023 Wisconsin State Fair. Fun was had by all!

Our next meeting will be held on Sunday, October 23rd at 11 a.m. at the Grand View Town Hall. During this meeting, we will have elections and will plan the upcoming 4-H year.
Ino Valley
At the fair this year, Ino Valley decorated their booth with a pollinator theme. This booth was an effort from the kids, they drew and colored the butterflies and made the bee , it was so cute. All for the national project of protecting the pollinators .

Friendly Valley
In August, the club officers came together to plan for the upcoming 4-H year & prepared for the fair. We came up with some new ideas and the club members are currently voting on what we want to do. We hope to have the calendar out by the beginning of October. We also talked about having new members join our club.- By Erik Maki