Home » Agriculture 2-25 » Optimizing Deep Winter High Tunnel Spinach Production
Optimizing Deep Winter High Tunnel Spinach Production
The Lake Superior region of Wisconsin is home to at least 70 high tunnel greenhouses being used by commercial and home growers primarily for summer production of vegetables. In cooperation
with area schools and local growers, UW-Extension has launched a research program to investigate use of the high tunnels to produce hardy salad greens during the winter months.
With funding from the WI Specialty Crop Block Grant program, UW-Extension will be using three area high tunnels over the next two years to research winter spinach production with the goal of
publishing a how-to manual for growers in the region. The hope is the 70+ high tunnels can be put to work in the winter to produce high-value greens for local markets.
Research Bulletins for this project may be found at the FEAST website.