A range of research projects have been conducted to provide data and information that will hopefully help you with your farm businesses. Research is an important part of successful agriculture and we thank the many cooperators that helped with these research projects. The following Research Bulletins are available for viewing and download:
- Low-Cost Mound-Layering Propagation of Hazelnuts
- A Winter Rye Cropping System for Farmers in Northern Wisconsin
- Nitrogen Fertilization of Corn Silage in Ashland County, WI
- Using Pheromone Disruption to Control Codling Moth in Bayfield Apple Orchards
- Bayfield Fruit Trials
- Perfecting the Day-Range Pastured Poultry System
- Bayfield Codling Moth Mating Disruption Trial – Year 2
- Sweet Cherry UFO Lands in Bayfield
- Perfecting Black Currant Production for Machine Harvest
- Evaluation of Select Accessions of Hazelnuts in Bayfield County
- Stool Bed Layering as a Means of Vegetative Propagation of American Hazelnut