Hazardous Waste Management – Clean Sweep

Hazardous Waste Management

The Bayfield County Emergency Management Department ( https://www.bayfieldcounty.wi.gov/1250/2024-Hazardous-Waste-Electronics-Collect) in partnership with the Northwest Regional Planning Commission coordinates an annual hazardous waste collection called ‘Clean Sweep.’

Counties in Northern Wisconsin have contracted with the Northwest Regional Planning Commission to offer annual Cleansweep Collections at no or low cost to households, farms, and businesses in a nine-county region since 1995. The program received a Wisconsin Governors Award for Excellence in Solid Waste Reduction by offering almost 400 collection events and keeping 1.6 million pounds of toxic materials from harming our waters, land, and wildlife.

What’s considered hazardous or not hazardous? Check out this poster by NWRPC.

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