About 4-H

What is 4-H?

  • 4-H is a youth organization of boys and girls sharing, doing, and learning together in all kinds of projects and activities.  4-H members are guided by volunteer adult leaders and parents.  Members choose projects that fit their personal interests and the places where they live.  Members run their own meetings and make their own decisions.  Boys and girls in cities and towns enjoy 4-H as much as rural kids.
  • For more information see this website about the Wisconsin 4-H Program

    4-H Message: a community of young people across america who are learning leadership, citzenship and life skills


    You’ve probably been to the County Fair, seen the colorful 4-H exhibits, and noticed families having fun at the fair.

    You may have seen 4-H members teaching environmental lessons to fourth graders in local elementary schools, marching in parades, or collecting food for area food pantries.  You may have seen youth and adults picking up trash along their “adopted highway,” or seen international visitors touring our county with their local host families.  No matter where you live, you can be part of the action in Ashland County 4-H!!

    The four H’s stand for Head-Heart-Hands-Health, and signify the development of the whole person.  4-H is an informal, educational youth group, and our county has a large and active program. You’ll be involved in year-round project work, club and county activities, and you’ll learn valuable life skills through your 4-H participation.

    We welcome boys and girls from both rural and urban homes.  You must be at least in third grade to join, and can stay in 4-H through one year after graduating from high school.  Kindergarten through second grade may join Cloverbuds.

What is a 4-H project?

A project is an area of interest that the 4-H member wants to learn more about during the year. All members can get written project guides from the Extension office that will help them get started, and each club has adult leaders available to meet with, advise, and teach members throughout the year. Bayfield County offers projects in the following areas:

  • Animal Sciences
  • Communications & Cultural Arts
  • Family, Home & Health
  • Mechanical Sciences
  • Natural Resources & Environmental Ed
  • Plant & Soil Sciences
  • Special Projects

What do you do in 4-H besides work on projects?

4-H members have opportunities to be involved in lots of activities and events throughout the year. They can enter project work at the county fair, go to camp, enter speaking, music and drama competitions, go on trips and participate in Fun Nights with other members their own age. All 4-H members are eligible for awards for their 4-H work.

Who can join 4-H?

4-H is open to any interested youth grades K-12. Kindergarteners, first and second graders participate in the Cloverbud program which is designed especially for them.

What is expected of a 4-H member?

When you join 4-H, you are expected to attend your club’s meetings and enroll in at least one 4-H project. Every 4-H member is encouraged to prepare a project or demonstration to exhibit at the fair or club meeting. In August, 4-H members complete a record book to record their activities for the year.

Parents are a very important part of 4-H. Parents help 4-H members choose their projects, provide transportation, and encourage the 4-H’er to do their best. Many parents share their time, skills, and resources with the entire 4-H club by becoming project or club leaders. Involved parents make 4-H work.

How much does it cost?

It costs only $3 to join 4-H for the entire year. Individual 4-H clubs may have small dues to pay for their activities. Some project areas may require small investments for supplies and equipment.

How many kids are in 4-H?

There are approximately 500 4-H youth and adult members in Bayfield County. They belong to 14 different community clubs. There is a club near you.

How can I join 4-H?

If you want to join a 4-H club, contact the Bayfield County 4-H & Youth Development Agent or Program Assistant. They will help you discover more about 4-H in your area.

Ian Meeker
4-H Youth Development Educator
County Administration Bldg
117 E. 5th Street
Washburn, WI 54891-9464
Phone: 715-373-3289
Fax: 715-373-6304

711 for Wisconsin Relay (TDD(

Kaylie Lukas
4-H Operations Associate
County Administration Bldg
117 E. 5th Street
Washburn, WI 54891
Phone: 715-373-3287
Fax: 715-373-6103

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Requests for reasonable accommodations for disabilities or limitations should be made prior to the date of the program or activity for which it is needed. Please do so as early as possible prior to the program or activity so that proper arrangements can be made. In certain situations, information related to requests may be shared with staff or units necessary to help coordinate an appropriate accommodation.

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