4-H Project Clubs

4-H Project  Clubs

These groups are organized around a specific project area, and youth from all over the county can join them. Meetings and activities are usually only held for a part of the year.

  • CANSKIProject area: Cross Country Skiing. Provides instruction, social opportunities, and leadership development for youth skiers of all levels. Visit our Bayfield County CANSKI site for registration information.
  • Superior AdventuresProject Area: Outdoor Education & Adventures. Place based hands-on experiences to teach a wide variety of skills including canoeing, kayaking, hiking, biking, rock climbing, & sailing while exploring unique areas our county has to offer. Targets youth in 6th-9th grade.
  • Equine Council– Project Area: Horses. All 4-H members who enroll in a horse project automatically become members of Bayfield County’s Equine Council. Get connected with other youth that share your love for horses! Opportunities to attend state horse events and horse bowl (learn about horses and compete in trivia competitions). There is also the opportunity for members who do not own a horse to work with a 4-H horse leader’s horse through the horseless horse project.
  • Market Sale
  • Ashwabay Bike Blub– Project area: Mountain Biking




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